Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Electrochemical Impedance Measurements †Free Samples to Students

Question: Discuss about the Electrochemical Impedance Measurements. Answer: Introduction: Laamu Atoll is the administrative division of Maldives that handles the entire Inter atoll ferry system for maintaining Maldives logistics division. Maldives is gradually becoming one of the fastest tropical nations composed by 26 atolls. With the gradual progress of civilization, countries are expanding their economical strength and flexibility by making business enhancements. Maldives is not exceptional to that. This particular nation has expanded their entire process of business by maintaining an effective import system. The inter ferry system of Maldives has made the business experts flexible for maintaining logistics and shipping problems. Laamu Atoll is the primary administration that handles the entire inter ferry system. This particular administration is successful enough in handling the entire inter water transportation system. On one hand, the business experts after maintaining their logistics through ferry system do not invest large amount of money for the dealing with the situation. On the other, the business experts can maintain import and export system within stipulated time. Inter ferry transportation is very fast and systematic with the help of which the organizations can save their time as well. This specific study has focused to make an in-depth evaluation about the impact of Inter atoll ferry system in Laamu Atoll for business expansion in Maldives. Various factors that affect in maintaining ferry system of Laamu Atoll have also been highlighted in this very specific study. Different researchers and scholars have provided their own opinion regarding the impact of inter ferry system in Laamu Atoll. After the initiation of water transportation large number of business organizations get high benefits and facilities in maintaining their supply chain process due to low cost water transportation system. Therefore, the primary objectives of this research proposal are as follows: To critically evaluate the impact of Inter atoll ferry system in Laamu Atoll for business expansion in Maldives To critically understand the major factors that highly affect in maintaining import and export business though ferry system To provide some of the major recommendations on how to overcome the barriers of maintaining import through inter ferry system Research question: What is the impact of Inter atoll ferry system in Laamu Atoll for business expansion in Maldives What is the major factors that highly affect in maintaining import and export business though ferry system What should be the major recommendations on how to overcome the barriers of maintaining import through inter ferry system Moosa (2016) opine that the economic structure of Maldives is contributed mostly by the import services. It is notable that Maldives has been the most preferable destination for the sophisticated and most efficient logistic services. The logistic department recognizes the necessity of maintaining the integrated logistic process in Maldives that has made the country capturing the leading position in this industry. Over the years, the considerable growth in the industry is catering the dynamic customers. The literature study would discuss the impact of the ferry system for fulfilling the expectations from the inventory and logistic procurement. The fruitfulness of the business expansion in Maldives would also be critically evaluated in this literature study. Jain (2013) stated that Maldives is a country that grouped into 21 administrative atolls in almost 1190 islands. These atolls are stretched along almost 860 kilometer of length and 80 to 120 kilometer in width. It is noticed that the spatial configuration of the islands is varied from one atoll to another, population numbers, sizes, and distances between the islands. Due to the extensive width in the country, the sea transportation is dominant mode of transportation system in the country. Apart from the sea transportation, other methods of transferring goods or people are the toad and air transports. The private boats of Maldives are designed to maintain such sea transportation services and it is mostly dedicated for moving fishing vessels and cargos. It is noticeable that there are four major operational airports exist in Maldives in which two of them are international and remaining are the domestic airports. Some of the airports are under the current development plan due to which the ferry systems or the sea transportations are the main mean of transferring the goods and services. The sea transportation process is developed under a transportation network, which is designed as a type of a loop. As stated by Shreepathi, Naik and Vattipalli (2012), this loop is quite efficient than the hub-and-spoke types in the medium traffic areas. Inter-atoll is one of these forms of ferry services that connect the major islands to each of the atolls within a particular region. It is one of the most effective and helpful ferry transport network that is build up on adequate capacity of labors, terminals, and jetties. The terminal areas are generally developed in the activities that are fruitful enough in gathering revenues and sustain the operational process of the ferries. Impact of Ferry System in transporting goods in Maldives In Maldives, it has been observed that the islands are remotely located from one another. Such transport systems creates the clear connection between the islands. Maldives is a place where sea separates the islands. Therefore, it is essential to establish the sea transport systems to create the link between the islands. Zhang (2012) opined that the ferry services are highly demanding in almost every atoll in Maldives. However, currently, it is reported that the number of the regular transports for linking the remote atolls to the islands are very less. The regular ferry services are provided between the close and male by the islands. It is notable that the ferry system has the significant impacts on the sea transportation process. The frequency of these services is making the import process much efficient with time. However, it is noticed that the frequent ferry services are available to create the connection between the capital Male and the airport. Even though the ferry services have been creating the enormous impact on the economic structure of Maldives, it has several limitations as well. Li et al., (2014) opined that the major issue found in the ferry system of Maldives is the environmental pollution. It has been observed that the environment in Maldives comprise the complex and delicate series of the ecosystems, which are quite unique to the tropical world. In current scenario, it is noticed that the development of the ferry systems has been affecting the biodiversity to some extent. One of the major environmental issues is the beach erosion. The islands are much transient in Maldives. These beaches are rapidly building and eroding, which is considered as a widespread problem. Due to the continuous usage of the ferry system, the beach erosion increases much significantly (Yang et al, 2014). Another most considerable issue is land reclamation. Reclamation refers to the means of creating new lands, which represent a capital-i ntensive solution. This solution helps in increasing the physical carrying capacity of any particular island in Maldives. These specific issues are quite considerable in terms of managing the ferry services in Maldives. On the other hand, the government legislations and the legal acts are quite the important factor for developing the ferry services at the atolls. The chapter discloses the impacts of the ferry services in Maldives. The chapter discloses the effectiveness of the sea transportation in Maldives. Shi et al., (2013) opined that the logistic department recognizes the necessity of maintaining the integrated logistic process in Maldives that has made the country capturing the leading position in this industry. Over the years, the considerable growth in the industry is catering the dynamic customers. The exploration of the literature study provides the knowledge about the efficient ferry system has the most contribution in developing the logistic process. The sea transportation process is developed under a transportation network, which is designed as a type of a loop. This loop is quite efficient than the hub-and-spoke types in the medium traffic areas. Inter-atoll is one of these forms of ferry services that connect the major islands to each of the atolls within a particular region. In addition to this, it is also notable that the eff ects created on the environment are the major limitations in establishing the atoll services in Maldives islands. However, it can be implied that in terms of importing the goods or establishing the effective logistic system, the dependence on the ferry services would be feasible in Maldives. The obtained ideas from the secondary information would help in conducting the further research study and making the considerable implications accordingly. Research design: Research design is one of the most effective processes of accomplishing the entire process of research paper systematically. People belonging to different geographical boundaries and psychological backgrounds are involved for collecting their response regarding the research issue (Morrissey ODonoghue, 2013). Research design primarily helps a researcher to acquire knowledge and information about appropriate data and information with the help of different methodological tools. This very specific study focuses to use appropriate research philosophy, approach and design for organizing the entire research issue in a systematic manner. The justification of using appropriate methodological tools has also been provided in this very specific study. Research philosophy is the systematic process of evaluating the data and information based on conceptual facts and theoretical framework. By making an in-depth keen observation with the help of psychological approaches, the researcher is successful in evaluating data and information from various resources. Research philosophy is primarily constituted with three different ways including positivism, interpretivism and realism. Positivism research philosophy primarily aims to evaluate appropriate data and information by conducting a keen observation on the research issue (Jiang, Zhou Sharma, 2013). This very specific study prefers to choose positivism research philosophy as this specific method enables the researcher for making a keen observation on the study. In order to accomplish the entire research work a repeated observation is highly important. In addition, positivism philosophy is not very cost effective. The researcher can complete the evaluation process within stipulated time. On the other hand, interpretivism research philosophy is dependent on the interpretation done by the researcher after collecting appropriate data (Geffard et al, 2012). In order to evaluate the impact of inter ferry system in Laamu Atoll the researcher do not focus on interpretivism philosophy. At the same, realism philosophy is highly cost effective based on which the researcher would have to wait for long time in collecting proper evidence of research issue. Research approach Research approach primarily aims to analyze the entire database of research issue based on different theoretical frameworks (Panasiuk, Lebedevas ?erka, 2016). Research approach is of two major types including deductive research approach and inductive research approach. Deductive research approach is highly based on existing theories where the researcher has to analyze data based on existing case studies (Elliott, 2012). On the other hand, inductive approach is highly experimental. In this very specific research method, the entire data is evaluated based on innovative theories that represent the research issue. This very specific study has focused to make detailed evaluation on how deductive approach is significant for dealing with the research issue like the impact of inter ferry system in Laamu Atoll. Based on the different case studies of transport services of Maldives the study has focused to make in-depth evaluation on how ferry transportation system leaves a major positive impa ct on the overall business expansion. The deductive approach is not very much time consuming as this particular method enables an individual for collecting data based on the existing theoretical approaches (Baldauf et al., 2014). At the same time, inductive approach is very much cost effective as this very specific study is highly based on the new theatrical approaches. Research design is the method of organizing the process of study by maintaining systematic flow (Lowe, 2016). Descriptive research design, explanatory and exploratory design are the three major types of this specific method. In order to evaluate the impact of inter ferry system in Laamu Atoll the researcher would like to select descriptive research design (Noreikis, Butkus Nurminen, 2014). This very specific method is highly dependent on the description received from the data resources. In this method, the researcher does not get the scope of interpreting research issue in own point of view. On the other hand, explanatory research method and exploratory research method both are interpretative. Here, the researcher gets the scope to make a self-evaluation by analyzing the case study. Sampling technique allows a specific individual to collect data and information from large number of population. This method primarily is constituted with two major types including probability sampling method and non-probability sampling method. Probability sampling method is highly effective that involves the respondents randomly (Hydes et al., 2012). On the other hand, non-probability sampling technique involves very specific number of respondents for collecting appropriate data and information. This very specific study has focused to choose non-probability sampling technique as this particular method involves the employees from inter ferry transportation industry (John Nwaoha, 2016). Those particular respondents would be able to give appropriate response to the researcher on how they have to face challenges in maintaining water transportation in the supply chain process. Data collection and analysis: Data collection is the systematic process of gathering appropriate data and information from different reliable sources. Data collection technique is of two primary types including primary sense of data method and secondary source of data method (Gebreiter Ferry, 2016). Primary source of data method enables the researcher to collect data by making direct interaction. On the other hand, secondary source of data collection method is based on books, magazines, online websites and newspapers (Hydes et al., 2014). This very specific study has focused to make primary source of data collection technique in order to get an immediate response from the participants. With the help of quantitative form of research technique, the study focuses to conduct an effective survey method by involving 50 employees associated with the ferry transportation industry. As a result, the researcher has directly involved the participants for collecting their necessary responses. Data analysis is the most significant procedure of analyzing collected data with the help of different form of analytical tools. As this specific study would like to conduct the research based on quantitative form of data analysis technique the research would like to follow several tools (Haller et al., 2016). Primarily, regression analysis, ANNOVA, Hypothesis testing, SPSS and centric are the necessary ways of analysis appropriate data and information. However, this very specific study has focused to use centric technique in order to conduct the entire research work systematically. Time scale: An effective time scale is prepared on how to conduct the research proposal. In this very specific part, the study has provided detailed overview of proposed timeframe based on which entire research paper would be made: Serial No. Activities Start Date End Date Duration 1. Selection of topic 06/10/2017 08/08/2017 3 2. Formulation of aim and objectives 09/10/2017 10/08/2017 2 3. Literature review 11108/2017 20/08/2017 10 4. Research methodology 21/10/2017 24/08/2017 4 5. Data collection 25/10/2017 1/08/2017 8 6. Data analysis 02/11/2017 07/09/2017 7 7. Conclusion 08/11/2017 10/09/2017 3 8. Final submission 11/11/2017 ------- 1 Conclusion: The entire research focuses to make in-depth understanding about Impact of Inter atoll ferry system in Laamu Atoll for business expansion in Maldives. Laamu Atoll as already stated is the largest atoll occupying a predominant recognition in the soil of Maldives. In order to maintain an effective import logistic system the business organizations of Maldives aim to us inter ferry atolls. This particular transportation system is very much effective maintaining the entire logistic and supply chain process in low cost. At the same time, the business experts get the scope of reaching the products in stipulated period. This very specific study has focused to make detailed research methodology based on which entire process of research work would be conducted systematically. While conducting the entire study the researcher has to face some limitations that can be overcome in future. In order to evaluate the impact of Inter atoll ferry system in Laamu Atoll for business expansion in Maldives the researcher has used positivism philosophy for collecting effective data and information applying keen observation. However, it is undeniable that positivism philosophy is highly effective in conducting entire research work. With the help of positivism research philosophy the researcher gets the scope of analyzing research issue by making keen observation. At the same time, it is undeniable that only observation is not sufficient for evaluating appropriate data and information effectively. Post positivism philosophy is highly appreciable for collecting reliable and valid data as this specific form of research philosophy is dependent on observation along with proper evidence. On the other hand, the researcher would like to collect entire research issue based on quan titative form of data collection technique along with 50 sampling size. This particular data collection method is highly dependent on the survey questionnaires where the researcher can get direct feedback from the participants. As a result, in some cases, it has been observed that the respondents like to show their biased attitude while providing necessary responses. However, it is undeniable that researcher maintains the entire ethical values and beliefs while conducting the study. The respondents would not be forced to provide appropriate data and information regarding the research issue. The response of the participants were very much spontaneous with the help of which researcher would be able to collect unbiased data and information from different data resources. As a result, the entire process of research work would be accomplished in a systematic way. The participants can get the flexibility to provide unbiased response. Reference List: Baldauf, M., Schrder-Hinrichs, J. U., Benedict, K., Tuschling, G. (2014). 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