Friday, January 31, 2020

Iron Curtain, Marshall Plan and Berlin Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Iron Curtain, Marshall Plan and Berlin - Essay Example and military barrier to communication; it was established between the democratic countries like Western Europe and communist countries like Soviet Union. There was also an agreement signed for free access to Berlin (Berlin 1948-1949). Winston Churchill delivered his Iron Curtain speech which gave birth to cold war. The Iron Curtain speech was about the victory of America and the power they hold; he wanted peace and co operation with the United Nations. He wanted to establish a good relationship between Americans and Britain by calling them English speaking cousins. There will be a mutual security agreement and they will work together for establishing peace (Iron Curtain 1945-1947). He was in favor of America and totally against Russia which was a very strong starting point of the cold war which lasted for years. He threatened that the Western and Eastern Europe will get separated and this was the Iron Curtain which will be established. He wanted a defense pact and wanted to establish a proper military setup along with creating moral unity. Western foreign policies setup along with a vivid picture of cold war being established are few highlighting points of the Iron Curtain speech. Another important point was the Marshall plan or more popularly known as the European recovery plan. Marshall was not happy with the pace of the recovery of Europe post world war. He introduced programs for development of America and Western Europe. The basic requirement was here to build a better economic plan rather than fighting a battle against Russia. There was a chaos in Europe and the requirement was to eliminate causes of starvation, poverty and anxiety rather than fighting a war against Russia. The plan was directed to improve the economy. Some saw this recovery plan as an attempt to divide Europe and the main cause of the cold war however the Marshall plan was an extended version of the Iron Curtain whose major concern was to establish Europe after world war. Marshall Plan

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