Saturday, December 21, 2019

Essay about Short Answer Questions on Foreign Policy

Question #3: Looking at the last 6 months, what issues have defined our foreign policy in the Middle East. This should be an action-based assessment. What interests do these policy points serve and why? The Palestinian-Israeli conflict has been an issue that definitely defined The U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East. Israel is an ally of the U.S. that receives a lot of foreign aid from the states. It’s a priority for the U.S. to protect Israel so it’s obvious where its’ loyalty lies. Israel also has good relations with Egypt; Egypt is crucial to the security of Israel, so that makes them an automatic ally that receives quite a bit of funds as well. It’s an on-going issue that makes pointing out allies clear as well as seeing who the top†¦show more content†¦Some of the policies AKP has enacted while in office lean toward Islamic rule. Some schools began teaching Quran, Erdogan wishes to abolish abortion, and although headscarves are banned it’s hardly ever enforced. All to which the secularists have fought back (Fortin). Question #5: Taking your assigned country (unless you have Turkey, Israel, or Palestine) please explain its importance, or lack thereof, to the United States and its foreign policy in the Middle East. Please discuss the countries relationship with Saudi Arabia. And finally, please discuss any major involvement it has had in the peace process with Israel. If you are assigned to one of these countries, you may select any other country and write about it. After doing quite a bit of research I’ve come to the conclusion that Egypt’s relationship with the U.S. is heavily reliant on Egypt’s relationship with Israel and it’s involvement with the peace process. It’s all linked. Egypt has been a supporter of peace in the Middle East and especially in Israel. Egypt always tried to convince Israel that peace was possible and could very well last (â€Å"Egypt’s Role†). Taking into account it’s long history of support for peace, and it being a crucial ally in the Middle East peace process, Egypt is crucial to the security of Israel. This is where the U.S. comes in. Because Israel isShow MoreRelatedEssay on SA IBL TB8e Ch131461 Words   |  6 Pagescircumstances, the presentation of research by a U.S. scientist at a convention in a foreign nation may require an export license. ANS: T PTS: 1 2. The Department of Commerce possesses the power to restrict imports. ANS: T PTS: 1 3. The current law that controls the export of goods from a U.S. manufacturer to a foreign buyer also controls the re-export of those goods beyond the boundaries of the country of the original foreign buyer. ANS: T PTS: 1 4. Among the reasons for controlling exports are theRead MoreIgnorance is not Bliss Essay928 Words   |  4 Pagesâ€Å"Why do they hate us?† Its a flexible question, isnt it? 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